

Please sign the guestbook. Tell us who you are and what you think of the site. If you have a favorite story or poem by Edgar Allan Poe, tell us what it is and why its your favorite. If Poe's ghost ever visits this site, he'll know who his fans are!

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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total



from Earth

"Hey hows it going bros my name is pewdiepie"

signed 31 Oct 2019 1:03am | 16354



from Las Vegas

"I think Edgar Allan Poe was a great poet. His poem "Alone" relates to my pain when I had depression in 2018, and it shows the things you have to inevitably cope with in this world."

signed 31 Oct 2019 12:25am | 16353


Sydney Peery

from Souix Falls SD USA


signed 30 Oct 2019 10:16pm | 16352


Peyton Bowden

from Delaware, on Planet Earth

"Poe is a mysterious and wonderful writer. His works were great then and are still praised now. It is ironic how some of the most famous people are poor, Poe being one of them. Work is key to getting anything done. Things can only be achieved if work is put in, so work hard."

signed 30 Oct 2019 9:35pm | 16351



from North America, Kansas, Mars


signed 30 Oct 2019 9:17pm | 16350



from Delaware

"I think that Edgar Allan Poe was a very unique poet and I like the fact that people still read his works even though he has been dead for a long time."

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:58pm | 16349


caleb hubbard

from delaware

"edgar allen poe is a really good author wrote a lot of poems"

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:43pm | 16348


Emir Cosgun

from Delaware

"Poe was a passionate poet"

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:35pm | 16347


Ava O'brien

from Earth

"It was good"

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:29pm | 16346


Will Hudelson

from United States, Kansas, Earth

"Edgar Allen Poe was one weird guy."

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:07pm | 16345



from America

"I think that Poe is a great author. I love his dark, exquisite vocabulary and the strange but relevant meanings behind his pieces of literature."

signed 30 Oct 2019 7:59pm | 16344



from Halifax

"Hi poe"

signed 30 Oct 2019 6:48pm | 16343


Parker Sartin

from Jupiter

"This website gave good info."

signed 30 Oct 2019 6:30pm | 16342


Ailey F.

from USA, KS, Planet Earth.

"The timeline was very helpful for the webquest that we were doing, thank you."

signed 30 Oct 2019 6:02pm | 16341


Julia mackinnon

from Canada earth

"You are. A good poet"

signed 30 Oct 2019 5:42pm | 16340



from Los Angeles


signed 30 Oct 2019 5:34pm | 16339


Scarlett Elizabeth Churchill

from Washington, USA

"I love Edgar SO MUCH. My middle name was based off his mother's. And even though my first name is close to his nemesis's book, I still love Edgar. I wish he was still alive but even by now he'd be gone since it's been centuries or maybe even a millennium. His stories, poems.. they got me through so much. He inspired me to write. I will always have Edgar in my heart. And I also think it's super awesome you started this site for him."

signed 30 Oct 2019 4:37pm | 16338



from Earth

"This site is exceptional"

signed 30 Oct 2019 3:57pm | 16337


Nate Meyer

from De Soto, Kansas

"I am a middle schooler and I am visiting the site for ELA class. I thought the site was cool and I feel like I am getting to know Edgar Allan Poe better. I am glad we are learning about him and I can't wait to learn more."

signed 30 Oct 2019 3:47pm | 16336



from South Dakota

"I like the info"

signed 30 Oct 2019 3:32pm | 16335


alison schaefer

from US, Kansas, Earth

"thanks for the site."

signed 30 Oct 2019 3:32pm | 16334


Cole Heitmann

from USA

"Hi Mrs. Devenport"

signed 30 Oct 2019 3:30pm | 16333



from Las Vegas on Earth

"I'm surprised at how creative and innovative Edgar was. He lived during a time when dark and creepy books were not appreciated. He was very innovative in coming up with stories with dark and creepy plots. He also had a very varied vocabulary as the poems he writes contains a lot of unknown words."

signed 30 Oct 2019 2:35pm | 16332



from Sioux Falls, SD


signed 30 Oct 2019 1:57pm | 16331



from Manchester, NH

"Hello :)"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:45pm | 16330



from wisconsin

"edgar allen poe is the goat"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:45pm | 16329



from USA, Earth

"Awesome website loved it"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:41pm | 16328


alexa eanes

from alabama


signed 30 Oct 2019 1:39pm | 16327



from earth

"math is my favorite subject"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:33pm | 16326



from green vill

"dont ask who joe is"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:33pm | 16325


Avery WIlson

from Alabama


signed 30 Oct 2019 1:31pm | 16323



from Earth

"Thank you poe for your poems."

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:27pm | 16322



from jupiter

"Poe's poetry was really mysterious and hard to understand as we do not know how to speak like the people in the 1800's"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:26pm | 16321


Trinity, Ayma

from Nevada, USA, Earth

"We truly enjoy reading Edgar Allen Poe's works."

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:24pm | 16320



from Alabama

"Love This"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:23pm | 16319



from Earth


signed 30 Oct 2019 1:22pm | 16318


Kass Mills

from Florida

"Love this site... favorite is probably Tell-Tale Heart, because I'm rather basic and I live for how that story was written and stylized."

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:20pm | 16317



from United States

"Been here read a book"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:20pm | 16316


Ashleigh Bock

from Alabama

"i like chicken"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:17pm | 16315



from Canada


signed 30 Oct 2019 1:16pm | 16314



from Georgetown de

"I think that poe was a unique person to learn about since his life had a lot of mysteries that left people in shock"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:15pm | 16313



from Delaware

"What I think about Poe is that he was a very inspirational and emotional author. I like how he would write poems about his life. My favorite poem would be "Alone" because of how it related to his life."

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:09pm | 16312


Tabitha Frazier

from United states, alabama

"this helped a lot"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:09pm | 16311


drew smith

from alabama

"i have to do this for a school assignment"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:08pm | 16310



from Delaware

"I really enjoyed the quote "Convinced myself, I seek not to convince.""

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
I feel the same way!

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:07pm | 16309


Bethany covey

from united states

"Edgar Allan Poe was such an inspiration and had so many personalities so he had so much to write about. He went from being a poor kid on the streets to being a poet in 1845 and we're still learning about him in 2019."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:52pm | 16308


Aydin Gasior

from USA, Nevada, Earth

"Poe, as a poet, is very clever and meaningful. He has made many thoughtful poems that make you feel every emotion. From gloomy to exciting, he has it all. Poe is an amazing poet and I love reading his poems."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:45pm | 16307


mia jackson

from sussex tech,georegtown delware

"Poe was a very honest and truthful author. He wasn't afraid to tell people what he thought when he thought it. He was a very adventurous and risk taking person who wasn't afraid of what anybody thought."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:41pm | 16306



from delaware

"Poe had a very eventful life and it shows in his work. He was a talented man."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:36pm | 16305


Grace Munoz

from earth

"Poe was very interesting to us because of his mysterious nature and dark mind. We enjoyed learning about him."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:35pm | 16304



from groovy town

"i hope hes grooving"

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:34pm | 16303


Carson hefty

from Sioux Falls SD

"Wow! What a website!"

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:06pm | 16302


Tali Keen

from Delaware

"poe was a modern day inspiration"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:59am | 16301


Daphney Garcia-Hatton

from America, Nevada, Earth

"I think Edgar Allan Poe is sometimes underestimated by students. Many think he was just an author who wrote depressing and dark stories about death. However, to me, his stories and poems hold more wisdom than most. They symbolize the truth about life, and cautions us against our vices. This site was very helpful and allowed me to explore these many tales."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:43am | 16300


Rianna and Alexis

from Las Vegas,Nevada

"We think this website represents Poe's legacy in a very honorable way. Many important facts about his history are stated in this site. Our favorite poem, "The Raven," as well as many close others, represented hardships in slavery, in its truest form."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:43am | 16299


Abbi Greg


"Yo this is some wack-tasitc stuff"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:42am | 16298


Riley Longboy

from Earth, USA, Nevada

"I think Poe was a great writer and surprised me when he had his first book at the age of 18"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:40am | 16297


Madelynn and Ahmad

from Las Vegas, Nevada USA

"M- I enjoyed reading his poems because of the dark nature and diction choices. The website was very helpful.
A- He has very sad dark poems but the diction was very good."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:40am | 16296


sage barden

from las vegas

"Poe is a very cool, mysterious author!"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:37am | 16295



from the void of time

"my Horoscope said i would have weird vibes today and this man is supplying them."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:34am | 16294



from United StateS

"He was a weird guy"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:33am | 16293


Christian Chandler

from earth north Carolina

"Hello from North Carolina, North Windy Ridge"

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:23am | 16292


Connor Perciavalle

from Spanish Fort, Alabama


signed 30 Oct 2019 11:21am | 16291



from Uranus

"Poe wrote creepy stories about murder, and while I don't like murder, the stories are interesting and keeps me reading. I like stories with a good creepy vibe."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:17am | 16289


Emilee Cash

from United States, Alabama, Mars

"Your site is really interesting Poe is such an interesting person and I love him and his stories."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:09am | 16288



from a place

"I normally don't enjoy reading poems because I can't really understand what's going on, but some of Poe's I can at least mildly understand and get to enjoy."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:08am | 16287


LaKai Mumford

from America

"I think that Poe was very intellectual but happened to have a bad childhood."

signed 30 Oct 2019 11:04am | 16286


Emma Wood

from Earth


signed 30 Oct 2019 11:01am | 16285


Zyaire fooks

from Delaware

"Hi I come here to type and say Poe had inspirational quotes poems and books he helped me to realize that I can express the way I feel not only in words but in books too like how I could write a poem when I am sad to take some anger I thank him for doing that... God bless you and your family sorry for your loss Rest in Heaven Poe"

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:57am | 16284



from america

"poe is a good author and wrote about scary stories that are known by people today."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:55am | 16283



from Canada earth

"good man"

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:55am | 16282


kandis dunnagan

from ardmore oklahoma

"Edgar Allan Poe was an amazing poet. His tales send chills up your back."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:53am | 16281



from earth


signed 30 Oct 2019 10:52am | 16280



from earth

"Poe was inspiring and enlightens everyone that reads and understands his work. He did not have a very easy life and it was never easy after he lost his parents and was separated from his siblings. He found a way to create happiness and peace for the first time in his life after going through all of the tragic things. He made the best of his life and now his "monsters" and evil is all behind him and he is a better and stronger person now that he is happy."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:51am | 16279


Ford Turnipseed

from Alabama

"Very epic details about my boy Edgar."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:45am | 16278


colin hilton

from EARTH

"This guy is cool and my favorite poet because his poems are interesting and spooky. Most poems are cheesy and boring, but Poe's are good and I respect it."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:43am | 16277


Logan Mckenzie

from United States

"This site is very informative about Edgar Allan Poe's life. My favorite story written by Edgar is "The Raven," because it is very mysterious, but creepy in a way it put a chill up your spine."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:41am | 16276


Brooke Fountain

from Alabama, US

"I love Edgar Allan Poe's work."

signed 30 Oct 2019 10:31am | 16275



from U.S.A.


signed 30 Oct 2019 9:36am | 16274


Zion Cato

from USA, Ohio, Earth

"My name is Zion and this site is very well organized and its easy to find info on him and his work. My favorite Poe story is The Cask Of Amontillado, its my favorite due to the suspense of the story."

signed 30 Oct 2019 8:19am | 16273



from pluto

"thats all. thats message."

signed 30 Oct 2019 7:16am | 16272


Ramya Delong

from Mars

"As an author, Poe has a good emotion that is conveyed toward the reader. Not just throughout his books but his life as well."

signed 30 Oct 2019 6:54am | 16271



from Earth

"Poe was a great author he proved to everyone that even the craziest and most mysterious people can become famous, even if its not in their own lifetime. And he also proves to others that he is capable of living life even with all the unfortunate circumstances he has been through. That I why I believe that Edger Allen Poe was an amazing author, and an overall interesting person."

signed 30 Oct 2019 2:18am | 16270


Kaye Dufrene

from United States

"hello Edgar"

signed 30 Oct 2019 1:34am | 16269


Andrew Powers

from Kansas

"I really liked the organization and how this site was set up."

signed 30 Oct 2019 12:08am | 16268


Jhojan ojeda

from Irving,Texas, Earth

"I did it for a grade"

signed 29 Oct 2019 11:53pm | 16267



from Earth

"Edgar Allan Poe was one persistent writer. He continued to write even when he was in poverty, and could have had a good life as a businessman. His writing is phenomenal and Poe as a person holding on to his ambitions shows others that it is possible to be successful, even if it is not safe. Poe is an inspiration and relatable."

signed 29 Oct 2019 11:34pm | 16266



from Alabama

"Many creative stories you brought to life!"

signed 29 Oct 2019 11:17pm | 16265



from Earth

"Edgar Allan Poe thought very deeply about his writings. He had thoughts that helped the readers realize things they never noticed before. His poems open our eyes and teach us a valuable lesson."

signed 29 Oct 2019 11:13pm | 16264



from Earth

"this is a kool site and Edgar is a kool dude"

signed 29 Oct 2019 11:10pm | 16263


Trey Fenderson

from Alabama

"No comment."

signed 29 Oct 2019 10:56pm | 16262


Imaan Beria

from Mars

"I personally feel that Edgar Allan Poe was a great poet. His work was quite extravagant"

signed 29 Oct 2019 10:37pm | 16261



from Kansas

"I thought that it was very full of good information."

signed 29 Oct 2019 10:14pm | 16260


Christian James

from Ohio

"My favorite was the black cat because it was spooky"

signed 29 Oct 2019 10:12pm | 16259


Aliceson Byrd

from Earth

"I have to do this for English."

signed 29 Oct 2019 9:37pm | 16258


Timmy Capurso

from Bel air Maryland

"I really liked the "Tell Tale Heart" due to having reading it last year and how they find the body in the floor."

signed 29 Oct 2019 9:25pm | 16257


Grayson Greer

from Alabama


signed 29 Oct 2019 9:22pm | 16256


Sara Wright

from Venus

"Poe seems like a psycho but its chill you made a website about him"

signed 29 Oct 2019 9:03pm | 16255



from United States, Earth

"Poe was someone who rose up from nothing. He went from living in poverty to becoming a famous poet. I respect the effort that he put into his career, as he put years of publishing short stories and criticizing famous authors into his work, and it paid off in the end. I would have congratulated the poet on his accomplishments in the work force if I ever met him."

signed 29 Oct 2019 9:03pm | 16254



from japan, tokyo, mars

"We stan Poe"

signed 29 Oct 2019 9:01pm | 16253


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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total