

Please sign the guestbook. Tell us who you are and what you think of the site. If you have a favorite story or poem by Edgar Allan Poe, tell us what it is and why its your favorite. If Poe's ghost ever visits this site, he'll know who his fans are!

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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total



from So Cal

"Hello. I absolutely love this website. I have to do a scrap book on Edgar Allan Poe and this is the best website yet. P.S. The Ashley under me ... I am the best Ashley in Cali ;)"

signed 27 Oct 2009 9:15pm | 3441


dj cooper

from pa mhs


signed 27 Oct 2009 7:11pm | 3440


Paula DeBoer

from California

"I have been a Poe fan since high school (1971 grad). It's refreshing to re-read many of the stories and poetry again with "different" eyes some 40 years later. Thanks for your website. I thoroughly enjoyed it (and will come back for more)."

signed 27 Oct 2009 6:17pm | 3439


Jasmine Jones

from Usa, NJ, Earth, 07112

"i love Edgar Allen Poe, his poems speak to me when im mad or in the mood for something scary and lovely.! - singed Jasmine from North 13.!"

signed 27 Oct 2009 6:13pm | 3438


Amanda Garbe

from Nix

"hey this is a great website. wonderfully made. not to mention, i LOVE Poe. (ICYDK Nix is a planetary satellite that orbits around pluto). Peace out Poe People."

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
Thanks! I did not know that. I do know that "Nyx" is the Greek Goddess of Night. If anyone else wants to read about Nix, here's a link.

signed 27 Oct 2009 5:52pm | 3437



from usa

"thank you guys so much! this helped me out a bunch with my english paper. thanks again! :)"

signed 27 Oct 2009 5:33pm | 3436



from ls vegas, nevada

"I think Edgar Allan Poe had a very hard life. I think his step-dad didn't treat him with the respect he needed, and deserved. He had a very hard life and his step-dad should have been there for him, to comfort and love him."

signed 27 Oct 2009 4:28pm | 3435



from penny town

"my 12 year old daughter and i love all of your stories (HI EVERYONE) AT BMS GO BULLS!!!!!!!"

signed 27 Oct 2009 3:25pm | 3434



from earth

"i thought this site was awesome. definitely going to use it in the future. love all the things i learned about his life. he was definitely a very very interesting man."

signed 27 Oct 2009 2:57pm | 3433



from alabama


signed 27 Oct 2009 2:47pm | 3432



from Milwaukee, WI

"I Love Him !"

signed 27 Oct 2009 2:38pm | 3431



from united states

"he is amazing i love this guy"

signed 27 Oct 2009 2:03pm | 3429


Serenity Thomas

from Shelbyville Ky, U.S.A.

"Wonderful poems and stories!"

signed 27 Oct 2009 1:53pm | 3428



from bidgeport middle school

"All these poems and stories you have written i love. they show a different side of me that my friends have never seen and i just wanted to say thank you so much"

signed 27 Oct 2009 1:21pm | 3427



from samboline,sharky,not you

"Hi guys hows it going"

signed 27 Oct 2009 12:53pm | 3426



from USA

"i liked the Cask of Amontillado it was very good and very descriptive"

signed 27 Oct 2009 12:52pm | 3425


Lorraine Sanchez

from White Plains, New York

"I find the website to be very informational. it gives you a lot of info on his life and also his work. i enjoy reading about his life."

signed 27 Oct 2009 12:34pm | 3424



from earth

"he's a weirdo.."

signed 27 Oct 2009 11:35am | 3423


Cheyenne Garduno

from Parsons, Kansas


signed 27 Oct 2009 10:58am | 3422


Nancy Berault

from New Orleans, LA earth

"I teach 8th grade language arts and am searching for images and sources for my students. Your site looks student friendly."

signed 27 Oct 2009 10:47am | 3421



from United States

"I think that Edgar Allen Poe's work was amazing and will live on forever. He was a great literary influence and is very interesting."

signed 27 Oct 2009 10:41am | 3420


krystal marie

from Dallas

"I love Edgar Allan Poe. They say because of the loss of Virginia that's why he based a character of her in "The Raven" but he wrote the story a couple of years before her death."

signed 27 Oct 2009 10:33am | 3419


Garrett ward

from united states, virginia

"Poe was one of the greatest poets that ever lived."

signed 27 Oct 2009 10:06am | 3418


Graham Porter

from jupiter

"i think poe is weird. his dark and mysterious side really showed. thats what i like in a guy. i think im going to get his email"

signed 27 Oct 2009 8:53am | 3416



from MI poho us

"The site is cool"

signed 27 Oct 2009 8:40am | 3415


Andre A. Robinson

from White Plains New York

"Edger Allan Poe has paved the way for horror writers. His poems and prose were perfect and scared the people of the 1900's."

signed 27 Oct 2009 8:00am | 3413


Nicole Botticelli

from California

"I LOVE HIS BOOKS AND SO DO MY SIBLINGS: lo, jarrod, S.J., nick, katie, and nikki we read one every day :P"

signed 26 Oct 2009 11:10pm | 3412


Coella R. McClure

from Oklahoma

"I love Edger Allan Poe he was one of the best poets of his time. Even thought they didn't understand him but I know that I love his works and I'm a big fan."

signed 26 Oct 2009 10:26pm | 3411


Daniel Burt

from Blackfoot Idaho

"I love the settings Poe creates so masterfully. He has a command of the English language that simply astounds me."

signed 26 Oct 2009 10:25pm | 3410


Alley Poe

from Florence, KY, USA

"I am doing my 6th grade Biography on Edgar Allan Poe and this site was most helpful in finding information. I was able to use this site for many pieces of my project. Thank you!"

signed 26 Oct 2009 9:40pm | 3409



from USA

"Awesomenisity! Poe is awesome! He rocks!"

signed 26 Oct 2009 9:27pm | 3408


nicole bakewell

from pennsylvania

"i think egdar allan poe was a very good poet."

signed 26 Oct 2009 8:23pm | 3407



from white plains

"Edgar Allan Poe's poems have inspired me and many more."

signed 26 Oct 2009 8:18pm | 3406



from USA,Califonia,Earth

"i love this website! i love all the creepy stories and poems by edgar allan poe! i love the stuff by edgar allan poe because i LOVE scary stuff!"

signed 26 Oct 2009 8:07pm | 3405



from New York

"This site is very interesting and very helpful. It is very useful that many of Poe's works are available for use on this website, and his biography was very informational. I had to do a "Scavenger Hunt" assignment about Poe, and this site helped a lot. Thank you! -Shane"

signed 26 Oct 2009 7:01pm | 3404


Sara Fetahagic

from Mars(kidding, TX)

"I LOVE his stories! They kinda creep me out!!! :-)"

signed 26 Oct 2009 6:53pm | 3402


Kimberly Escalante

from USA, NY

"Poe is the one of the best writers of literature. I think his best work is Annabel Lee."

signed 26 Oct 2009 6:45pm | 3401



from United States of America

"E. A. P. - Many sophisticated and interesting poems - Never fails to impress"

signed 26 Oct 2009 6:09pm | 3399



from usa

"the pit and the pendulum is my favorite and I am hooked on it."

signed 26 Oct 2009 5:59pm | 3398


Vanita Lall

from Nj, 07107

"It was really interesting reading about Edgar Allan Poe's life. It was sad."

signed 26 Oct 2009 5:28pm | 3397


david brooks

from uniontown, pa

"I feel Poe was a great writer..."

signed 26 Oct 2009 5:00pm | 3396



from Mars


signed 26 Oct 2009 4:23pm | 3395


mary jane

from united states

"english assignment!! (:"

signed 26 Oct 2009 2:40pm | 3392


Diamond blount

from atlanta georgia earth

"i love all of his poems they are very interesting especially for halloween. i found out about him while i was in school in my reading class and his stories were the only ones i read"

signed 26 Oct 2009 1:27pm | 3391



from twolegPlace

"the raven and the black cat are awesome. if you have not read them then i suggest that you read them and for those who have, read them again to understand the depth of them."

signed 26 Oct 2009 12:38pm | 3390


sarah Robertson

from white plains ny

"i only have to do this for school."

signed 26 Oct 2009 12:17pm | 3389



from wee z


signed 26 Oct 2009 10:30am | 3388



from rensselaer, indiana

"i love poe"

signed 26 Oct 2009 10:26am | 3387


Derek Morris

from Earth

"Death to capitalism!"

signed 26 Oct 2009 10:13am | 3386


Ben Vickers

from Rappahannock, Virginia

"Mr. Poe seems like a very strange man!"

signed 26 Oct 2009 10:12am | 3385


ying yang

from mars

"hey what u dead dude"

signed 26 Oct 2009 9:53am | 3384



from poison

"i luv the raven. it'z so damn deep. i wish he were still alive so i can give him a big hug, but he too ugly for a kiss lol jk. a genius he wuz bt a psycho at dht. ily poe"

signed 26 Oct 2009 8:50am | 3383


Kira WIlliams

from U.S. of A.

"i love edgar allen poe, and ive been looking for a site that had his writings on it and im so glad ive finally found one"

signed 25 Oct 2009 9:20pm | 3382



from uniontown, pa

"my favorite by poe is "The raven." i like dark and scary stories."

signed 25 Oct 2009 9:17pm | 3381



from Florida

"AWESOME POE!!!!!!!!"

signed 25 Oct 2009 9:00pm | 3380


Max Tucker

from Charlotte, NC

"great website!"

signed 25 Oct 2009 8:22pm | 3379



from Uniontown, Pennsylvania

"Edgar Allan Poe is great. Although, I like his history more than his stories."

signed 25 Oct 2009 6:02pm | 3378



from Here

"i think that he is one of the best writers of all time! :)"

signed 25 Oct 2009 5:16pm | 3376


Mariah Stock

from Piney Fork, Ohio

"i learned about edgar my freshman year, and he really interested me. :)"

signed 25 Oct 2009 4:30pm | 3375


John S

from USA Earth

"Poe: great stories sometimes hard to understand though"

signed 25 Oct 2009 2:16pm | 3374



from Canada

"The best site for Poe stuff I've yet encountered!"

signed 25 Oct 2009 8:52am | 3372


Laura Lee

from Washington, USA

"Thanks for collecting these great photos of Poe. I'm using Poe as the theme of this year's Halloween party and this site was extremely helpful."

signed 25 Oct 2009 2:24am | 3371



from Planet...Earth

"Ah, Edgar Allen Poe... One of the best."

signed 25 Oct 2009 12:33am | 3370



from California USA

"I like THE RAVEN"

signed 24 Oct 2009 10:09pm | 3369



from smock, pa

":) The Raven is my favorite poem. Edgar Poe writes some interesting stories using vivid details."

signed 24 Oct 2009 7:32pm | 3367


Celeste Sherry

from Woodlands High School

"I am an English teacher, helping to celebrate Poe's bicentennial year by teaching about his life and his work. I join Mr. Vitale and Mr. Giordano in congratulating Baltimore for giving Edgar Allan Poe the credit and recognition of genius he so richly deserves --- at last."

signed 24 Oct 2009 6:37pm | 3366



from USA

"EAP rocks!"

signed 24 Oct 2009 9:23am | 3365



from Utah

"His works are like paintings on a canvas, both beautiful and inspiring. He is both darkness and light, devil and angel, his pen is his sword and his words his shield. Truly he is a master in the art of words."

signed 24 Oct 2009 5:28am | 3364



from indiana

"ty so much. i have been looking for alone for ever. love the site i will be sending it to others"

signed 24 Oct 2009 2:16am | 3363



from somerset

"my friends call me the new poe"

signed 23 Oct 2009 9:26pm | 3362


Denise Williams

from Earth, Baltimore,Md

"I think this is a nice site and I am glad to be able to read his poems and short stories."

signed 23 Oct 2009 9:22pm | 3361



from Portland Oregon

"Are you going to put anything on the site about the funeral they just had in Baltimore for Poe. it might be fun to show some of the pictures or share the story, it looked like it was quite grand. It's about time they did it right."

signed 23 Oct 2009 4:23pm | 3359


Alexis Gillenwater

from West virgina, united states

"Edgar Allan Poe is my fav author!!!"

signed 23 Oct 2009 4:01pm | 3358


Alex Spurling

from USA

"woohoo! Edgar Allan Poe is a beast! :)"

signed 23 Oct 2009 3:18pm | 3357


Jacob B.

from Pennsylvania

"Poe was a true genius of his time. We should all be grateful for his work, for there were not many others who wrote as Poe did. RIP"

signed 23 Oct 2009 1:10pm | 3356



from guadalupe,AZ earth

"edgar poe is a great poem writer if he didn't die he would have been famous back in the day"

signed 23 Oct 2009 12:23pm | 3355


aaron johnson

from planet earth michigan

"hi wat are you doing???"

signed 23 Oct 2009 12:16pm | 3354


Gail Rush

from Stephenville, Texas

"I'm a 1st year high school English teacher. Browsing through the net looking for supporting info on a study on Poe, I found your site. Love all the supporting info. Thanks for all the hard work you've done on your site."

signed 23 Oct 2009 12:13pm | 3353


Ashley Smathers

from canton,north carolina

"edgar allan poe is one of the greatest inspirations for my poetry work i have done. he is literally a poetic genius and it saddens me of his death but he will go on to be a legend in the poetic genius"

signed 23 Oct 2009 12:07pm | 3352


ruth zavala

from gonzales


signed 23 Oct 2009 11:53am | 3351



from c.a

"i love how poes mind works lol"

signed 23 Oct 2009 11:39am | 3350



from usa


signed 23 Oct 2009 11:21am | 3349


Alyssa klink

from Uniontown,PA

"i think tht poe is extremely interesting and i really enjoy his works!"

signed 23 Oct 2009 11:05am | 3347



from united stated of america

"this site was so helpful for my research thank you so much"

signed 23 Oct 2009 10:16am | 3345


Ashley Norris

from Deltona FL

"i luv poe his stories are amazing and wonderful"

signed 23 Oct 2009 9:18am | 3344



from USA NC Earth

"hey edgar wats upp im writing a story about u i know that ur dead n u cant read this but I wanted 2 tell u we're still talkin bout u n skool! YAY! BYYYYYY"

signed 22 Oct 2009 9:47pm | 3343



from Thornhill, Scotland

"I honestly think poe is mental."

signed 22 Oct 2009 9:39pm | 3342



from Rainbow Bright hidden by earth

"Poe is a definite inspiration. I'm definitely going to be spending a lot of free time cuddling one of his amazing stories."

signed 22 Oct 2009 8:12pm | 3341



from Warren,OH

"My favorite Poe story is The Black Cat."

signed 22 Oct 2009 7:31pm | 3339


Eric Galloway

from Westchestertonfieldville

"Cool. Go Edgar."

signed 22 Oct 2009 7:10pm | 3338


Shannon Moran

from Lost in my mind

"I love Edger Allen Poe, He's my favorite poet ever. I wish i could have married him."

signed 22 Oct 2009 6:09pm | 3337


Cameron Estep

from United States of America

""Raven" it's my favorite poem because of the way each stanza ends"

signed 22 Oct 2009 6:06pm | 3336


brianna kiplinger

from dibble,oklahoma

"l really like this site it also helps a lot"

signed 22 Oct 2009 2:59pm | 3335



from usa

"He is a very good writer"

signed 22 Oct 2009 2:25pm | 3333



from krypton

"my favorite poe story is the raven because the raven is a cool bird."

signed 22 Oct 2009 1:38pm | 3332


Chris Baisden

from usa


signed 22 Oct 2009 12:57pm | 3331


david vasquez

from california

"i love all of his writing he is great"

signed 22 Oct 2009 12:55pm | 3329



from jupiter

"I eat Poe! It is Delicious! You can find it in the creepo section!"

signed 22 Oct 2009 12:25pm | 3328


Badd Thadd

from Centre co Earth

"Poe is like rock bands of his time"

signed 22 Oct 2009 12:07pm | 3327


Abby Lewis

from U.S.A

"I love Poe's work. It's disturbing but beautiful."

signed 22 Oct 2009 8:51am | 3325


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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total