

Please sign the guestbook. Tell us who you are and what you think of the site. If you have a favorite story or poem by Edgar Allan Poe, tell us what it is and why its your favorite. If Poe's ghost ever visits this site, he'll know who his fans are!

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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total


Mackenzie Vass

from USA VA Earth

"hi :)"

signed 15 Jan 2020 9:33am | 16992


Jayc McDonald

from Evington,Virginia,Earth

"This website gives me the creeps when i saw the crow next to the name of the website."

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
Its a Raven

signed 15 Jan 2020 9:26am | 16991



from USA

"helped me find information"

signed 15 Jan 2020 9:06am | 16990


Gunner Sterenborg

from Narnia, Mars

"Hello from Mars"

signed 15 Jan 2020 3:16am | 16989



from virginia

"i did it Llewellyn"

signed 14 Jan 2020 6:36pm | 16988


Kailah Enloe

from United States, VA, Earth

"This site seems very useful and easy to navigate through."

signed 14 Jan 2020 1:30pm | 16987



from US VA Earth

"I think all of Poe's stories are intriguing so this website helped me learn more about this accredited author."

signed 13 Jan 2020 9:35am | 16986



from Virginia

"Although Poe, in my opinion was creepy as well as his stories, some of his stories can sometimes be interesting (if they're not morbid)."

signed 11 Jan 2020 9:47pm | 16985


Abigail Long

from US, VA, Earth

"I love this site!"

signed 10 Jan 2020 4:29pm | 16984


Erick J Nazario-Lopez

from Ohio

"My favorite poem by Edgar Allan Poe is, "Memories" by Ligeia. It is my favorite because it talks about something we try doing remembering things and memories long forgotten."

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
In Poe's story Ligeia, the narrator reads a poem written by Ligeia, but this poem is actually one of Poe's existing poems, The Conqueror Worm.

signed 10 Jan 2020 12:32pm | 16983


Lars Boenke

from Virginia United States


signed 10 Jan 2020 11:34am | 16982



from Earth

"I think this site is pretty cool and i found really interesting things on here that I didnt know about Edgar Allen Poe"

signed 10 Jan 2020 11:06am | 16981


Chad E Pouncy

from Virginia

"I like Edgar Allan Poe"

signed 09 Jan 2020 9:21pm | 16980


Jocelyn Gurik

from Virginia

"One of my favorite poems by Edgar Allan Poe would have to Annabel Lee, because it talks about a lost love, and it kind of reflects off of his own relationship with Virginia. The poem itself speaks to me and I wouldn't say that I relate but it is emotional and I love reading it. But I think all of his poems and stories are fantastic and the themes are amazing. I love the spooky and the tragic kind of stories and he did just that. I would say if I am talking about poems then Edgar has them in the bag because all of them are creepy, sad and moving. He speaks to a lot of people and they love him."

signed 08 Jan 2020 7:34pm | 16979



from FIHS

"I'm not usually into more classical work since I have trouble focusing, but I'm happy we're learning about such an author in school and being introduced to his works. Even if you're not personally into Poe, you can't deny his powerful contributions to American literature. It's important we recognize his work. I look forward to learning more about him!"

signed 08 Jan 2020 4:04pm | 16978


Finn Nagle

from Chicago

"i think this site is helpful for people that don't know a lot about edgar allan poe."

signed 08 Jan 2020 1:49pm | 16977


Justin Ware

from Earth

"10 out of 10"

signed 08 Jan 2020 9:31am | 16976


Joshua Moon

from Philadelphia Pennsylvannia

"Great stuff"

signed 08 Jan 2020 9:17am | 16974


Jangelyz Ramirez

from Florida

"I think Poe as an actor was smart and his work was very real. I liked how he said "I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him" like that quote applies to everyone in some way not by murder but because people treat people better when they are in need or doing something they are not supposed to."

signed 08 Jan 2020 8:44am | 16973



from USA, Ohio, Jupiter

"Thank you. I learned a lot of new information about Mr. Poe"

signed 08 Jan 2020 8:26am | 16972


Nicholas Ayers

from Somewhere within the Universe


signed 08 Jan 2020 8:23am | 16971


Kaleb Stowell

from Florida

"Very well structured and easy to use website, thank you for the easily accessible information."

signed 08 Jan 2020 7:52am | 16970



from Earth

"I had to analyse Annabel Lee for an exam, but got curious about his other poems."

signed 08 Jan 2020 12:10am | 16969


carter meeks

from Florida

"I guess Poe was kind of a lone wolf from the start, and he decided to stick with that theme throughout all of his works and poems."

signed 07 Jan 2020 10:29pm | 16968


Kelly K

from Jupiter

"King of horror."

signed 07 Jan 2020 9:18pm | 16967


Jackson Keeley

from Earth

"Poe is and always will be known as one of the greatest writers of all time. All of his work is unique in its own way and finds a way to everyone touch every one personally."

signed 07 Jan 2020 7:47pm | 16966


Jake Eising

from Fleming island, USA, FL, Earth

"Looking through poe's art of writing has shown me how much of a genius poe is with his way of writing. And having the ability of showing how much of a true poet he truly is."

signed 07 Jan 2020 6:33pm | 16965


Zach R

from Oak Lawn


signed 06 Jan 2020 8:12pm | 16964


Angel Lovett

from Reading Pa, United States of

"I am a curious student working on a school project. Edgar Allan Poe was an amazing man. His work is phenomenal. I wish I had the chance to meet him. It would have been a great honor!"

signed 06 Jan 2020 11:44am | 16963


Jo Mama

from Africa

"Did you know that Jo broke his arm? (You) Jo who? JO MAMA!"

signed 06 Jan 2020 10:38am | 16962


Matte Blk

from I'll just meet you Upstairs...

"This is an impeccably, motley invitation to join me in Seventh-Heaven to RITE some slick, sizzlin, zzzillions! of overdude books for the lengthNbreadth of eternity: Skiing from our IQ muuuch higher than K2 ... scuba diving without oxygen ... flying on a magic carpet through the galaxy (speed limits? whahahaha) ... walking on water ... animals DO talk Upstairs! ... dance N frolick in the air?And when we get back to our Big Ol Majestic Mansion (- da BOMM) which'll follow us around the vast, Jupiter-size-world... or each one more fab-you-lous-than-the-last??"

signed 04 Jan 2020 11:13am | 16961


Brian Mood

from Texas

"Loved the site! Thank you!"

signed 01 Jan 2020 11:20pm | 16960


Jack Kane

from Illinois

"I think overall he was a great author and I would read all of his poems (if i had the time to). He also had a very interesting biography and I loved reading it."

signed 01 Jan 2020 6:25pm | 16959



from USA

"I always wonder who and why it was important to people. I knew he was a man with a lot of secrets of his own who knew how to express while writing. I loved his way of bringing a story to life. it is pretty astonishing but can scare a lot too. I would like to know more about his life and books."

signed 30 Dec 2019 9:17pm | 16958



from States in the plains

"Making my mark as I enter the world of Edgar."

signed 26 Dec 2019 6:22pm | 16957



from Mexico

"Poe's books are the door to the darkness"

signed 24 Dec 2019 10:46am | 16956


Sadie X.

from Oregon

"I like the psychology that is integrated into the stories."

signed 20 Dec 2019 2:25pm | 16955



from Earth


signed 20 Dec 2019 8:33am | 16953


Scott Michael

from Indiana

"But our love it was stronger by far than the love / Of those who were older than we / Of many far wiser than we. / And neither the angels in Heaven above / Nor the demons down under the sea. / Can ever dissever my soul from the soul / Of the beautiful Annabel Lee"

signed 19 Dec 2019 6:29pm | 16951



from New Jersey

"I like the site its pretty cool and my favorite story is the raven :)"

signed 19 Dec 2019 8:42am | 16950



from Cybertron Alpha Centauri

"the one story by Edgar Allan Poe that I have to say I absolutely dislike is The Black Cat because I have 2 black cats as pets"

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
Yes, if you love cats it can be hard to read, but the cat does get his revenge!

signed 18 Dec 2019 3:30pm | 16949


trei burris

from gastonia,north carolina

"best poe website ive seen so far"

signed 18 Dec 2019 11:38am | 16948


xavier preston

from grayson geagia


signed 17 Dec 2019 11:29am | 16947



from Earth

"I love Edgar Allan Poe's work, i love the fact that his poems and writings are a sort of dark romantic type of writing. while most of his work is talking about death and dark things, its also about life."

signed 17 Dec 2019 10:22am | 16946



from Earth

"I really enjoyed this site I learned a lot about Poe."

signed 16 Dec 2019 8:43pm | 16945



from Wisconsin

"Edgar Allan Poe was a good Author"

signed 16 Dec 2019 5:50pm | 16944


Uncle Lister

from Ohio, United States

"It's good to have a resource like this when studying Poe. Thank you for your efforts."

signed 16 Dec 2019 3:30pm | 16943


lena harake

from earth

"I like learning about Edgar Allan Poe because I get to learn about him and know what he does and where he grew up and all about his career"

signed 13 Dec 2019 7:36pm | 16942



from frankin

"i am boberta i think this site is very cool and informative my favorite poem is alone because it remindis me of myself... alone."

signed 13 Dec 2019 12:50pm | 16941


Kaia Caissie

from Earth.

"Poe was a good author but he was hurt. His pain affected his work in a good way. His pain was from the loss of his loved ones like his mother or Lenore. Which brought him to write about how he felt. He was very good at describing things in great detail. In my opinion hes an amazing author"

signed 13 Dec 2019 12:45pm | 16940



from United States of America

"yee haw"

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
Not what I'd expect from Pottsville, PA but okay

signed 13 Dec 2019 8:13am | 16939



from Planet X

"This guy kinda not chill tbh he definitely murdered someone. No doubt in my mind and nothing that will change it."

signed 13 Dec 2019 1:20am | 16938



from Mexico

"Hello, my literature teacher told me that for next semester we would be reading Poe so I'd like to thank this website for helping me get ahead in homework as I now have the winter vacations to read as many stories as I want without the pressure of a death line. Thank you very much."

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
You are welcome! In the U.S. most people say "deadline" but I like "death line" too, especially on this site =)

signed 13 Dec 2019 1:14am | 16937



from US planet Mars

"I really like this website. I am definitely going to come back to explore, and learn new things."

signed 12 Dec 2019 10:24pm | 16936


Corbett Johnson

from Neah Bay WA

"The Cask of Amontillado is my favorite"

signed 12 Dec 2019 1:27pm | 16934



from Usa,Illinois,Earth

"I love how Poe is not scared to express his feelings in his poems."

signed 12 Dec 2019 12:25pm | 16933



from Earth


signed 12 Dec 2019 8:25am | 16932


Ashley Galvan

from USA Georgia Earth

"hi i'm Ashley and I like Edgar Allan Poe's stores and his poetry this site is awesome but I don't have a favorite story or poem I like them all"

signed 12 Dec 2019 8:14am | 16931


Jiawei Li

from China

"love this site! Thank you!"

signed 12 Dec 2019 4:55am | 16930


-anonymous alien

from Planet mars

"Poe was a great author with beautiful flow in his poetry. He often talks about dark subjects, but that makes it all the more captivating."

signed 11 Dec 2019 11:47pm | 16929


Matthew C.

from California

"Poe was a very sad person after losing his parents and his wife. He was able to use that dark, depression to create amazingly powerful and scary stories that live on today"

signed 11 Dec 2019 11:36pm | 16928



from earth

"I think that Poe is a very good author. He knows how to keep something interesting and knows how to leave you on a cliffhanger. I kind of feel bad for him though because he didn't have a very good life, and that shows in his poems. He always talks about family dying and how he can't get over it and that it will haunt him forever. Also without him there probably wouldn't be the mystery genre."

signed 11 Dec 2019 11:10pm | 16927



from Earth

"This site was very helpful for the research I was doing. Poe has always been one of my favorite poets and I really enjoy his works. Thanks for providing us with a reliable resource and an easy to navigate website."

signed 11 Dec 2019 10:58pm | 16926


Rachel Purlee

from Illinois

"We are analyzing the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe in E.L.A and this site has helped me find more answers about him and his life. I like him as a poet and I think his life and his death are very interesting."

signed 11 Dec 2019 10:26pm | 16925



from pennsylvania

"Feliz Navidad"

signed 11 Dec 2019 2:21pm | 16924


William Inman

from Monmouth Illinois America

"I like Edgar Allan Poe but my favorite poem of his is "The Raven" because I like the mysterious atmosphere and how the raven is like grief."

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:16pm | 16922



from Earth

"Poe is such a good author. He stories interest me and keep me entertained. They are very unique from other stories."

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:14pm | 16921


Sony le

from Rancho Mission Viejo

"Poe was a great person he had gone through a lot and is still standing"

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:04pm | 16920



from California

"His poems are so interesting and haves creative books that I ever read like the raven."

signed 11 Dec 2019 11:55am | 16919



from Earth

"E.A.Poe was an admirable author. His way of description tells his tales in a new way."

signed 11 Dec 2019 11:26am | 16918


Lex Marrero

from Pennsylvania

"Good Poet"

signed 11 Dec 2019 10:16am | 16917



from United Jr High

"I love this website I liked how you included so much information and all the poems and quotes thanks for all the information!"

signed 11 Dec 2019 9:36am | 16916



from united states

"this is scary idk"

signed 11 Dec 2019 2:42am | 16915



from California

"Poe was a very good and creative writer. In his poems, he goes deep and opens up in them. He also seems pretty wise."

signed 11 Dec 2019 1:23am | 16914



from United States

"I liked The Tell Tale Heart because it reminded me of a maze at Knott's Scary Farm."

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:27am | 16913



from CA, United States

"I loved his dark and mysterious writing, its very spooky and surreal."

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:12am | 16912


Chris Mendoza

from california

"I really like the site is very informative and inspirational"

signed 11 Dec 2019 12:10am | 16911



from china

"Poe is a wonderful author who expresses suspense throughout the story. He makes each reader want to keep reading. He is so creative in his story telling. What a wonderful author he is."

signed 10 Dec 2019 11:50pm | 16910



from earth usa and cali

"Poe was not like the ordinary man he had a lot of accomplishments. He writes poetry and is a poetic and loves writing. He is now dead and his best poems were the raven and the tell tale heart."

signed 10 Dec 2019 11:49pm | 16909


Victor Lopez

from Hesperia, USA, Earth

"I never heard of him but he seems interesting but also weird."

signed 10 Dec 2019 11:43pm | 16908


payton banks

from USA

"I am doing this because Mr.Cortina said so"

signed 10 Dec 2019 11:41pm | 16907



from America

"After reading more about Poe, I have learned how influential and important he is in history. He deserves much praise for his amazing poetry and writing skills."

signed 10 Dec 2019 11:29pm | 16906



from China

"Difficult to understand, noce know horror floods in your blood."

signed 10 Dec 2019 10:29pm | 16905


Carly Izabella

from New York, USA

"I'm a Respiratory Therapist working the night shift, soothing my tired soul with Poe. This site is something I never knew I needed! Kudos to the individual(s) who can be credited with its upkeep and management. I'm blown away by the Wordlist. I keep them myself to some degree, much less coherently, and will definitely be sampling from here! Heartening to see all the different kinds of people who've made it here. Cheers!"

REPLY from Robert Giordano:
Hearing comments like this makes me happy! Enjoy!!

signed 10 Dec 2019 10:25pm | 16904


Aliya Liao

from California

"Poe's literature is well written with lots of feelings in them, some good some bad. Poe's literature also have suspense that make them more exciting to read. For example, "The Tell-Tale Heart", the way he wrote the narrator and how he can hear things. The heartbeats the narrator hears make the story suspenseful."

signed 10 Dec 2019 9:22pm | 16903



from U.S.A. California Erath

"Edgar Allan Poe was a famous Poet who lived a hard life, but persevered and achieved his dream of becoming a great Poet."

signed 10 Dec 2019 9:21pm | 16902


Nadia Lopez

from Hesperia

"Edgar Allan Poe is a really great author. One of his stories I have read was The Tell-Tale Heart which was really nice."

signed 10 Dec 2019 8:33pm | 16901


Kasey K

from CAlifornia

"I think that Poe was a great author who will be remembered forever."

signed 10 Dec 2019 8:11pm | 16900



from California

"I believe Edgar Allan Poe was a talented and skilled poet, who had dreams which he pursued. His stories and poems have an edgy charm to them, which can be thrilling for many people and fun to analyze."

signed 10 Dec 2019 7:54pm | 16899



from Earth

"Thanks you for writing about the tell tale heart it is very very scary"

signed 10 Dec 2019 7:19pm | 16898



from USA,California,earth

"Edgar Allen Poe was a very talented writer. He had many good books like the tell tale heart. I really liked the book because it was very interesting and was new to me."

signed 10 Dec 2019 7:14pm | 16897


Sarah Lopez

from California

"Poe was an amazing and talented writer with a lot of successes and some failures. His published writings are some of the most inspiring things in the world. Hes made an astonishing influence on the world and he still lives on as an amazing author."

signed 10 Dec 2019 7:07pm | 16896



from U.S, CA

"The poetry that was written was truly touching and moving."

signed 10 Dec 2019 7:02pm | 16895



from Illinois

"I really think that your poems inspired a lot of people. I have a feeling that you will be famous many more years to come. You will always be in peoples hearts! I really like the poem, "The Raven" Although it was sad , I believe it happy too because even though you were sad and dwelling about your wife dying, the raven was there. Again I believe that you will be famous for many more years to come!"

signed 10 Dec 2019 4:47pm | 16894



from United States

"I like "Alone" by Poe."

signed 10 Dec 2019 2:48pm | 16893



from California, United States

"Dear Poe, my favorite poem by you is definitely Tell Tale Heart."

signed 10 Dec 2019 2:48pm | 16892


Angel Sanchez

from Hesperia

"Juice world gone hahahahahhah"

signed 10 Dec 2019 2:26pm | 16891



from United States

"Edgar Allan Poe has a style of writing where it teleports the reader to an alternate dimension causing them to feel as if they are in the story watching the story go down."

signed 10 Dec 2019 1:43pm | 16890



from africa by toto

"uhh you are dead right?"

signed 10 Dec 2019 1:42pm | 16889



from Earth


signed 10 Dec 2019 1:36pm | 16888


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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total